The paving experts at American Paving & Striping are here to provide you with a parking lot design that improves traffic flow, increases visibility, and makes the most of your property’s space. Even if our customers are already satisfied with their current layout, we are confident in creating an exact replication of their current setup. Whether your job entails marking parking spaces for an entire shopping center or you simply need directionals for a restaurant drive-through, American Paving & Striping provides safety and clarity with an appealing property look. We can also help your business achieve full compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines, providing all properly sized markings for handicapped accessible parking spaces.

We can make the following pavement markings for you:
Parking Stalls
ADA / Handicapped Markings
Directional Arrows
No Parking Areas
Loading Zones
Fire Lanes
Speed Zones
Right-of-Way Designations

American Paving & Striping is proud to offer an additional service to our clients in need of heavy-duty pavement marking: thermoplastic marking. This is the most durable form of striping for high-traffic roadways, busy shopping centers, and residential neighborhoods. Thermoplastic striping (or “thermo” as we refer to it) offers three distinct advantages over regular traffic paint:
Durability: Thermo is impervious to oil and debris and creates a thermal bond to the road surface, creating a product that is highly resistant to traffic impact or the elements.
Reflectivity: Thermo includes reflective glass beads in the solution that increase visibility even at night.
Longevity: Thermo will last a minimum of 4-6 times longer than regular traffic paint. We guarantee it.
This unique and trusted product is also safe for the environment and will prevent you from having to budget out striping application annually. We would love to have the opportunity to service your thermoplastic striping needs this year and beyond. Always remember that we provide 100% free estimates and timely service to exceed your expectations.